A travel concierge primarily focused on curating intimate travel experiences for busy and overworked women of color in need of a break and ready for some travel therapy. We also provide travel and event planning services for groups wanting to customize their own travel therapy experience.
Our team of experts offer customized travel therapy experiences. From recharging girls trips to the Greek Islands or Bali to group retreats at awe-inspiring beaches, our collection of destinations is irresistible.

“Danielle is an amazing planner that focuses on your travel, food, and entertainment preferences. When providing travel planning support for my recent trip to Panama, she identified unique lodging, excursions and dining experiences that made this an unforgettable trip.”

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

This trip was life-changing for me not simply because of the beautiful sights I saw, and great food I ate, and rich culture experienced, and new and strengthened bonds I made. It was life-changing because of the mental and emotional shift that took place inside. I learned that I can be what I need to be for my family, my children and my business AND ALSO be what I need to be for MYSELF – I do not have to sacrifice one for the other. The world keeps spinning. My kids are the same happy children and still feel loved; my business is still in tact, my house has not burned down and the work and to-dos are here for me to pick up where I left off when I got back. Only now I can pick back up feeling recharged and with a clearer mind and lighter spirit…THANKS Danielle Washington for planning an amazing experience! She is a GIFTED ROCKSTAR at curating experiences that allow you to pour back into yourself and see the world.