Growing up there were two things I coveted in my mother’s closet: a pair of Ferragamo shoes and a Diane von Furstenberg (DVF) wrap dress.  I eventually snagged the shoes, but I never got my hands on the dress.  For me, the DVF wrap dress embodied what it meant to be a real woman.  A woman who was independent, not afraid to be sensual at any size and determined to go after what she wants.  I would look at that dress and think to myself “I want to be that woman.”

What I didn’t realize until years later is that the DVF wrap dress in essence is Diane von Furstenberg.  Before becoming a famous fashion designer known for her iconic dresses, Diane von Furstenberg was a princess who was set financially.  She didn’t need to work; she didn’t even know what she wanted to do for a career.  All she knew was that she wanted to be an independent woman and have her own identity outside of the home.

I was already obsessed with the DVF wrap dress, but once I knew more about Diane von Furstenberg, I craved that dress and everything that it symbolized.  Unfortunately, craving and being able to afford one were two different stories.  Yes, the dress was more affordable than Chanel, but I was balling on a budget and couldn’t afford one.  This left me stuck admiring from afar (and insanely jealous of) others in their DVF wrap dresses.  It secretly was my kryptonite to see someone else in a DVF wrap dress until one day my fashion fairy godmother blessed me with my own miracle.

I call it a miracle because who in their right mind gives away a DVF wrap dress to a second-hand store?  Ok, many people, but that’s not the true miracle.  The true miracle was that the dress was only $42.  Now that’s what I’m talking about!  My dream dress, at my dream price.  Ok, keeping it 100% real, free was my real dream price, but $42 was a good runner up.

One of the great things about the DVF wrap dress is its versatility.  It can be worn to the office with a pair flats, though it kind of deserves better than flats.  Or you can spice it up with a pair of sexy heels for a night out with your girls or a hot date.  Either way you decide to wear it, it’s about how the dress makes you feel.





I am convinced Diane von Furstenberg put some spell on the wrap dress when she created it back in 1974.  Watch any woman wearing a DVF wrap dress, she walks as if she owns the world and with such confidence.  I know that walk well, because when I slip into mine, it’s like being transformed into another persona.  But really, it’s not surprising that a woman with Diane von Furstenberg’s spirit would be the one to create a dress to capture the true strength and beauty of being a woman.  I’m just glad I now have more than one in my closet for when I need a reminder that I too am a real woman.


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CEO and Chief Travel Concierge