The New York Times posted an article the other day about Hillary Clinton preparing to announce her candidacy for president. I personally love politics, but it is not something I talk about publicly as I know it can be divisive.However, after reading the article I was curious — Is rogue-style-maven-hillary-post-americanAmerica ready for a female president after two terms of Obama, a biracial president? I thought, a simple and non-divisive question for my normal followers, so I posed the question on the Rogue Style Maven Facebook page.  I hella wasn’t prepared for what happened next.

All the sudden my Facebook page was ambushed by a mob (yep, I said a mob) of people who clearly had never heard of me or Rogue Style Maven before that post.

At first, I thought the banter was kind of fun and welcomed the interesting comments. I had one guy complain that I played the race card because I called Obama “non-white.” Though I thought that was hysterical, I had no issues acknowledging my mistake for calling Obama non-white. I also had no issues pointing out that no racist is going to stop mid-sentence to say “hey wait, he’s half-white so he’s cool.”

I had anticipated people ranting about their love or hate for Hillary and Obama. What I didn’t see coming nor my reaction was someone telling me “you’ll probably get shot by a cop…cuz your guilty, LOL” and that I was an American fraud because my ancestors were not “English settlers.” When I read those two lines, I was hot and almost in tears due to rage.


In all fairness, if I’m an American fraud can someone please tell the I.R.S. as they keep taxing me like an American? And then to be told that I would probably get shot by a cop because I am guilty even though my last crime was stealing candy from the local grocery store in second grade? What the heck??

This guy hiding behind a fictitious account had me like a Drake song going 0 to 100 real quick! I literally was seeing red and was ready to fight. Ok, it was more like ready to yell REAL loud because, let’s keep it real, I’ve never been in a fight and I’m not ready to change my perfect record.

I totally get that I grew up in the suburbs of San Francisco where I was raised in racial utopia and racism was what we saw on TV and not what we experienced, so maybe I don’t have a full right to be pissed. I’ve also had some slight issues with calling myself American without purposely adding African in front of it until this post.

All that said, he is right, my ancestors may not be one of the original English settlers. However, they did help build this country and many died for the right for me to be deemed human and American. So at the end of the day, and very cliché, I am proud to be an American (ok, partially proud and working on it) and I refuse to let anyone diminish who I am or what my ancestors have accomplished. Period!


My response to Diamond Dave


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