I love traveling alone. It’s not because I don’t have a good travel buddy as I have plenty of options. It just that even with the cons and sometimes dangerous moments of solo travel, I still prefer traveling by myself. Why you ask?

Well, when I was younger I often missed out on things I loved doing because I would wait until I found a companion. Constantly waiting on others eventually pissed me off, and one day I stop waiting and started enjoying life on my terms.

My first experience traveling alone was a side trip to Rome during a vacation to see friends studying aboard in Florence, Italy. I remember my friends giving me all these warnings to be careful in Rome. That all went in one ear and right out the other. This was the first time I was traveling out of the country without my parents and it felt freeing not being forced to live by someone else’s rules.

The only way to describe my side trip to Rome would be to say it was like an episode of Girls Gone Wild – Roman Style. It was the first (and last) time I had people doing shots off my body. I made new friends at a bar and followed them to some club on the other side of town. I danced the night away and had no clue where I was or how to get back to my hotel. It was too late to get a taxi, but luckily I made another friend who taught me how to take the late night bus and also wasn’t that bad of a kisser.

Had my first solo travel experience gone bad, maybe I would feel differently about traveling alone. But that trip is probably why I love traveling alone, yet I get there are pros and cons to traveling alone that we all need to consider.

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Traveling Alone making friends

Making new friends in Greece

Traveling Alone in Las Vegas

What happens on a solo trip to Vegas…









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  1. No Co-Signers Needed  – I love being able to wake up and if I want to change my entire game plan, there is no one that needs to buy into my plan. Plus, when you are traveling alone you don’t have to worry about hurting someone’ feelings when you don’t want to go on some 4-hour tour.
  2. What Happens in XX, stays in XX – There are so many things that I’ve done on my trips that no one will ever know because there were no witnesses. None that knew my real name and could post something on social media. That alone leaves you open to enjoy life without reservations or fear of judgment by friends, family or partners.
  3. Making New Friends – I’ve noticed that people are more willing to strike up a conversation when you’re traveling alone opposed to being in a group. I’ve met some lifetime friends through my solo travel adventures that I don’t believe I would have met had I been in a group.


  1. Sharing of Costs – Traveling with a partner means you have someone to help share in the costs. This means your travel dollars will go a little further then if you were traveling alone.
  2. Lack of Instant Wingman/woman – Going to a bar or club alone is generally not fun and can be dangerous as a woman. Though your travel partner could still meet someone and leave you, but you at least have someone who is accountable for your whereabouts should you come up missing. Trust that this has been one of my biggest issues while traveling alone.
  3. Competing Travel Styles – You can have the best travel buddy, but if you don’t like to do the same things on trips, it can cause problems. Traveling issues have been the death of a few friendships and relationships.  Best way to avoid ruining relationships, besides making a strong effort to know their travel style before getting on a plane, is to travel solo.

I get that traveling alone is not for everyone, but if you’re up for an adventure, I say try it a least once as you may love it like me.


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CEO and Chief Travel Concierge