[title maintitle=”” subtitle=”Words of Wisdom From Rogue Women”]My niece is at that age where she is coming into her own. Of course I’d like to force her into learning wisdom from all my mistakes, but I can’t.

She has to make her own path, including making her own mistakes. All I can do is be the best aunt possible and give advice hoping it sticks.

Wanting to help guide her got me thinking, what advice would you give your younger self what advice would you give your younger self_prom.jpgbesides rethinking that neon-colored sequenced prom dress  (and the hairdo) and passing on that trip to China in 7th grade because I didn’t eat Chinese food?

I then wondered what advice would Oprah Winfrey give her younger self? I found it in a letter Oprah wrote to her younger self for the May 2012 issue of O, The Oprah Magazine. In this letter Oprah told her younger self, “A lesson you will have to learn again and again: to see yourself with your own eyes, to love yourself from your own heart.”

Great advice to anyone at any age. This got me thinking I know plenty of strong, gifted, and amazing Rogue Women living authentic lives. So why not ask a few, “What advice would you give your younger self?”

Here are their powerful responses:

I would tell my younger self to not try and impress other people, I only need to impress myself and be happy with who I am.


Rejection is a good thing……not everyone has the power to appreciate your aura, beauty and presence in their atmosphere. Don’t be upset when you show interest and it’s not reciprocated. Not everyone deserves your glory nor are they worthy of obtaining the prize that is you.

what Advice would you give your younger self_network

One of the most important things in life I believe is finding your purpose. What have you been placed on this earth to do?  What are your talents? We all have talents, when you discover what you do well do what you can to enhance those skills. Use those gifts and talents to build your empire.

what advice would you give your younger self


Not to be afraid to try new things even if you fail. I always let my fear of not being good at something hold me back. Stop being safe!


Don’t make decisions that compromise your ethics, no matter how much you talk yourself into it by saying, ‘It’s OK just this once’


 Leave a comment: What advice would you give your younger self? 



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