[title maintitle=”” subtitle=”Balancing life’s responsibilities to travel more”]

[dropcap letter=”W”]hen an alert for a crazy cheap flight to Panama popped up in my social media feed, as a self-proclaimed travel addict, I immediately #bookdatisht. Unfortunately the high of booking a cheap flight didn’t last long. I quickly remembered my client was behind schedule for an upcoming event and if I wanted to go to Panama, I would be working while on vacation.

The responsible chic inside of me said, “I should cancel and focus on work.” While the travel addict inside of me said, “That flight was dirt cheap, you can’t cancel.” I was conflicted as I saw valid points in both options.

Fortunately, I opted to listen to the logical businesswoman inside of me who knew I didn’t have to choose vacation or work. I had the ability to both work and enjoy my vacation with a little planning.

Sadly, I’m no stranger to working while on vacation. At my last job, there was only one time when I wasn’t working while on vacation and that was because someone stole my phone in Santorini.  That said, working while on vacation is not a badge of honor. Instead, it is a clever way I’ve discovered to balance my travel addiction with life’s responsibilities.

How do you master working while on vacation?

Get an Early Start

Waking up early and working before starting your vacation activities is a great way to get work out-of-the-way so you can focus on enjoying your vacation.

Don’t Hijack Other’s Vacation Fun

Remember you are the one who chose to work on vacation and not your travel companions. Be respectful of their time and don’t hold up the group because an emergency came up or a call took longer. Be willing to let your travel companions continue their vacation activities without you if needed.

Mobile WiFi is Your Lifesaver

Let’s face it, work emergencies happen.  Investing in a mobile Wifi or hotspot gives you the flexibility to be connected and mobile while on vacation. Plus it makes you the hero among your travel companions when trying to post those beach selfies when cell service sucks.

Set Expectations

Let the people you work closely with know in advance that you will be on vacation, but will be completely or partly available at set times. And make sure you are actually available during those times if you want the option to work while on vacation again.

Have your own tips for how best to manage working while on vacation? Share them in the comments. 


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CEO and Chief Travel Concierge