Dating, work, and life, in general, is nothing like what we see in the movies. You may even be one of the lucky ones who enjoys their job, gets paid well or has done some self-development work to be content with life. However, something still feels like it’s missing or needs to change.

That was my life story for many years. I had a great job that allowed me to travel the world on someone else’s dime, a boyfriend and enough money in the bank to not stress about splurging often.

Looking from the outside, I’m sure it looked like I had no complaints. In reality, I was completely miserable. I didn’t know how to fix things until I was so frustrated with my life, that I had no option but to make a change.

That’s when I went rogue and started doing things differently.

READ: What Does It Mean to Go Rogue? 

I’d love to say I simply made a decision to do better and started living happily ever after, but that was not the case. Going rogue took me letting go of some bad habits and people, changing my mindset and having a better relationship with money.

Facing your internal demons and being honest with yourself is scary and not so glamorous. However, unapologetically living an authentic life is one of the most freeing experiences.

This is what I want you to experience. I want you to feel free to lead the life you’ve always wanted.

That’s why I’m super excited to share that I’m giving away a 3-month subscription to the Go ROGUE Challenge to five lucky winners.

What is the Go ROGUE Challenge?

The Go ROGUE Challenge is a weekly challenge program created to give women a little push out of their comfort zones and closer to being their authentic self one week at a time.

Through these weekly rogue challenges on dating, finances, and personal development, with varying degrees of difficulty, you will work on breaking habits that no longer serve you and shift into becoming the woman you want to be all within a safe and supportive environment.

Why should you enter to win?

  • Frustrated with doing the same thing and not getting the results you want
  • You want to work on becoming a better you in a supportive community
  • Tired of living paycheck to paycheck and ready to have a better relationship with money
  • You want more out of life and are willing to try something different

How to participate:

It’s hella simple!  Follow the instructions below for a chance to win a fun, creative, and free way to learn how to unblock the things holding you from being the person you want to be. There is, however, one mandatory step to entering. All others are optional and give you additional chances to win. Please be sure to read the terms and conditions as this giveaway is for US residents only that are 18 years or older.

The Prize(s):

Five (5) Winners:
  • Three (3) months of Go Rogue Challenge (Valued at $63)
  • Access to private Go Rogue Challenge Facebook Group
  • Top 5 Mistakes Women Make When Dating Checklist
One (1) Winner:
  • $50 Visa gift card

Ladies, do not delay… enter to win today and stop putting off making yourself a priority.


a Rafflecopter giveaway


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CEO and Chief Travel Concierge