There are certain items that savvy travelers pack all the time that let’s face it, less-savvy travels don’t even think about. Failing to pack one of these can turn that dream vacation into your worst nightmare. Learn how to pack like a savvy traveler!

Reusable Grocery Bag

This lightweight bag adds very little weight to your probably already heavy luggage and it has multiple uses. I often use my reusable grocery bag as a beach bag since it dries fast if it gets wet and it’s easy to remove sand. Also because it’s so small, I can throw it in my purse if I need an extra bag after doing some shopping.


Dehydration is very common while traveling, whether it’s from the heat, food poisoning, a long plane flight or after a night of excessive drinking. Savvy travelers pack tablets or powder that they can throw in a bottle of water and keep it moving.

Copy of Passport and Luggage

Before checking your luggage, take a picture. This way if the airline loses your luggage you don’t have to worry about trying to describe your luggage in detail. It’s the same philosophy if you happen to lose your passport. By having a picture on your smartphone, you always have an ID. Now if you were really a savvy traveler, you’d also put a copy in the cloud (Google Drive or iCloud) that way you can access a copy anywhere you go.

 Universal Adapter

There is nothing worse than arriving at your hotel and discovering you brought the wrong adapter.

ROGUE TRIP ALERT: Girlfriends trip to Bali, September 28-October 5, 2019

Ziplock Storage Bags

You need the small ones for any liquids in your carry on, but I recommend also bringing large ziplock bags in case you have wet, dirty or smelly items you need to store in your luggage. You can also use the ziplock bags to store your power cords.


A scarf is a must-pack for savvy travelers. They are great to use as a blanket on a cold plane. Or if you’re having a bad hair day or just came from swimming, you can use the scarf as head wrap until you can wash or fix your hair.

Unplug Greece Catamaran-headwrap

Relaxing in Greece after a swim


I booked a room at a fancy hotel overlooking the ocean not realizing that a couple also booked their wedding reception right outside of my room. Needless to say, they partied all night, but my earplugs saved me.

Active Charcoal

This is the traveler’s best friend you never knew you needed in your life. There are so many usages for this while traveling including helping with traveler’s diarrhea, hangovers, bug bites and itching, and upset stomachs. It is always best to be prepared in case of an emergency situation.


Ever had the munchies and ended up grabbing those crazy expensive snacks in the minibar? Avoid those extra charges and bring your own snacks. It’s also great to bring some nuts or a health bar while out and about as you may get hungry in the middle of a tour and not be able to stop for food.

Book or Magazine

Nowadays many of us read books and magazines on a Kindle or on our smartphones. However, what about those times when you’re stuck somewhere and your devices are dead or dying? Having something to read is key.

Power strip

Many airport gates have charging stations, but they also fill up quickly. Bring a portable power strip and be the hero for not just yourself, but that other passenger that needs to charge their device too.

Water Bottle

You are not allowed to bring liquids through TSA, but no one said you couldn’t bring an empty water bottle and fill it up later. Savvy travelers pack a foldable water bottle so they can save space and fill it up once ready for a drink.

Wet Wipes

If you’re flying first-class or on an international flight, they will often give you a wet cloth for your face for those overnight flights. But in case you’re not on one of these flights, bring your own wet wipes to get refreshed before stepping off the plane. Wet wipes also can be used to sanitize your hands, a table or remove makeup.


What are other common items savvy travelers pack that others don’t think to pack?

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CEO and Chief Travel Concierge