Americans are stereotypically criticized for never trying to speak the local language when traveling. Sadly, I saw this happen often while living in Italy.

Some Americans wouldn’t even bother asking if the person spoke English. Instead, they’d start with their demands in English and seemed annoyed when there were issues.

Now, do all Americans avoid trying to speak the local language when traveling aboard? No, as many have discovered there are benefits to attempting to speak the local language. Like locals becoming slightly more friendlier when Americans try to speak the language.This has led to me getting deals, better service and discovering hidden gems.

At the end of the day, a small effort to be able to say these seven words or phrases will go a long way. Plus it’s a great way to show your respect for the local culture.


Yasou (Yah-SU) – Greek

Hola (OH-lah) – Spanish

Bonjour (bohN-zhoohr) – French


Sí (SEE) – Spanish and Italian

Oui (wee) – French

Ya (Ya) – Balinese


No (NOH) – Spanish and Italian

Oxi (OH-kee) – Greek 

Tidak (Ti-duck) – Balinese


Efharisto (Ef-fairy-STOE) – Greek

Gracias (GRAH-syahs) – Spanish

Merci (mehr-see) – French

Terima kasih (Te-ri-mah car-see) – Balinese

I’m sorry/excuse me 

Lo siento / perdón(LOH SYEHN-toh / pehr-DOHN) – Spanish

Signómi (See-GHNO-mee) – Greek

Persmisi (Per-me-see) – Balinese

May I have…

¿Me puede poner/traer… (meh PWEH-deh poh-NEHR/trah-EHR) – Spanish

Je voudrais… (zhuh vooh-dreh) – French

Saya minta… (sigh-ah min-tah) – Balinese

Do you speak English? 

¿Hablas inglés? (¿AH-blahs een-GLEHS?) – Spanish

Est-ce que vous parlez anglais? (ehs-kuh-vooh pahr-ley ahN-gleh?) – French


Adiós (ah-DYOHS) – Spanish

Au revoir (ohr-vwahr) – French

Selamat tinggal (s’lah-mawt ting-gahl) – Balinese

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CEO and Chief Travel Concierge