Today, February 29th, is one of those rare days as this year is a leap year. What does that mean? It means that every leap year calendarfour years there are 366 days to keep the balance in the universe or something like that.

When I think of a leap year, I often forget that it means an extra day. It’s not like today ever feels like something special, so it typically blends into all the other days. However, a leap year does get me thinking about leaping into action.

As a kid leaping into action seemed so easy. We leaped into that dance classed, though we had two left feet. We leaped onto that soccer field with no care of balls flying towards our face. And we leaped into that new school confident we were going to make friends.

Sure we can look back at those days and say life was different. But just like back then, we had leap years so life really isn’t so different.

What is different is our mindset. We were confident as kids in our leaping skills. Nowadays we put so many expectations on life and where we should be at a certain age. We fear taking a leap. Hell, many of us wouldn’t consider leaping into our passions even if a gun was pointed to our head because we are so fearful of the unknown.

So where does this leave us? Playing nicely in the box, but secretly itching to get out and go rogue to live out our dreams.

I don’t know about you, but I got frustrated one day and leaped outside of the box and started living my authentic life unapologetically. All I can say is that it feels so good, but there are moments when I slip back into that box. That’s why being in a leap year is a friendly reminder for me to continue to leap into action.


Who’s ready to leap into action with me? Don’t wait for the next leap year!




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CEO and Chief Travel Concierge