The ultimate girls trip is about making unforgettable memories and inside jokes that will make you smile on your worst days. However, if not planned properly, a girls trip can quickly go wrong ending longtime friendships before you grab your bags at baggage claim.

Consider these 5 things prior to booking your trip and you are sure to have the ultimate girls trip, even if you don’t have your BFFs traveling with you.

Group Dynamics

Just because the women you want to invite on your girls trip are your best girlfriends, doesn’t mean that they are the best women to bring together for a girls trip. I’ve seen arguments on trips over the littlest things turn into physical altercations and that’s never good. To avoid a Real House Wives type of drama-filled girls trip, carefully select your travel buddies. Make sure to consider group dynamics before asking anyone to join you.

Find out about my upcoming Girls Trip in paradise

Money Matters

Discussing spending habits while traveling should be one of the first conversations you have when planning a girls trip. If your vacation spending habits aren’t compatible, this can dampen the mood of the entire trip. I had money ruin a trip to New Orleans. I wanted to explore this foodie capital and money was not an object. Unfortunately, my girlfriend was on a budget and quickly became annoyed every time I mentioned going to another craft cocktail bar or fancy restaurant to try one more thing. If after an open discussion about finances you discover you have different spending habits it doesn’t mean you can’t travel together. Think of ways you can both compromise, which may mean splitting up at times.

 Travel Styles

There is nothing worse than going on vacation with one of your best girlfriends only to discover you are horrible travel partners. Don’t assume simply because you’ve been friends for years that you can also travel together. For example, you may want to go explore the nightlife while your girlfriend, who is usually up for anything, likes to be in bed early on vacation. Have an honest discussion with your potential travel partners. Ask about their travel styles, keeping in mind things you like to do. Find out if they need alone time or if they expect to stay together at all times? What’s their adventure level? Budget? What’s their stance on dating or sex while on vacation because ‘vacation love’ does happen so don’t be caught off guard?

Join me on the next ultimate Rogue Experience

Be Flexible

Like a marriage, communication and compromise are key to a successful girls trip. Be mindful that this is not just your dream girls trip, but that there are others also involved. Your girlfriends may not want to do everything you want to do and that’s perfectly understandable. Determine how important something is to you and then have an honest conversation with your girlfriends. If it is something you really want to do, consider going on your own for part of the day and then meeting up later.

Like-minded Women

It can be frustrating when you have the time and money to travel, but you’re stuck waiting on your girlfriends to go with you. Stop waiting and book an organized trip with a group of like-minded women.

There are several benefits to traveling on an organized group trip. Your stress level is decreased because someone else is taking care of most, if not all, of the planning. You have an instant group of new girlfriends that also like to travel, otherwise, they would be at home watching the latest Games of Thrones episode like your friends. An added bonus of going on an organized girls trip is that there usually is someone familiar with the local area, which can only enhance your experience and creating the ultimate girls trip.

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Ready to Travel Now? Let’s Escape to Puerto Rico….

If you are ready to go on a trip and your girlfriends aren’t ready to jump, come join Rogue Experiences in Puerto Rico on our next Unplug and Be Free trip happening November 9-12, 2017. It’s a great way to meet other women with similar interests who are ready to travel. Or grab a friend or two and bring them along and skip the hassle of planning a trip.

Space is limited so I recommend securing your spot by paying the deposit today. Flexible payment plans are also available.


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CEO and Chief Travel Concierge